10th Conference (Kuala Lumpur)
Conference Agenda and Speakers Profiles Presentations and Papers International Media Coverage 10th Conference Photos 10th International Islam & Liberty Conference Peace and Prosperity in Muslim
ILN Positions
Our mission is to advance the understanding of religious, political, and economic freedom for peace and prosperity in Muslim majority countries and beyond.
We were founded in 2011 to bring together researchers, academics, and public intellectuals to demonstrate the consistency of the universal values of religious, political and economic freedom with Islam. Our research outputs show that Islam is not just consistent with freedom; indeed Islam requires freedom.
Our annual programme includes an international conference, training workshops, and publishing articles, papers, podcasts and webinars which reach thousands of interested individuals.
Islam and Liberty Network was awarded Asia Liberty Award for 2020 for “establishing a Muslim case for free society” for its work in Asia and Middle East.
Legally the Islam & Liberty Network is registered as a Labuan foundation in Malaysia. It is governed by our international Council.
We’re pleased to announce that our latest research brief for Edraak – Recognising Liberty’s sixth webinar is now accessible online!
How can Muslim societies reconcile religious principles with democratic governance in a modern constitutional framework? In the webinar “Constitutionalism: The Missing Link in Muslim Societies,” Prof. Dr. Saeed Khan explores the theoretical, historical, and contemporary dimensions of constitutionalism in Muslim societies, examining the role of Sharia, political authority, globalization, and legal pluralism in shaping governance models. Anchored in the pluralistic governance model of the Medina Charter while analyzing contemporary challenges, this research brief offers crucial insights into how constitutionalism can enable Muslim societies to reconcile religious principles with democratic governance and the rule of law.
The 6th episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podcast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
We’re pleased to announce that our latest research brief for Edraak – Recognizing Liberty’s fifth webinar is now accessible online!
“Locating Muslim Women Voices in Liberal Democracy” presented by Dr. Azeemah Saleem examines the engagement of Muslim women in liberal democracies’ public sphere. Drawing on Jürgen Habermas’s concept of the public sphere, the research investigates how Muslim women navigate structural barriers while shaping democratic discourse. Dr. Saleem’s analysis offers valuable insights into the intersection of gender, religious identity, and democratic participation, highlighting pathways for fostering greater inclusivity in liberal democratic systems.
The 5th episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
We’re pleased to announce that our latest research brief for Edraak – Recognising Liberty’s fourth webinar is now accessible online!
“Free Markets in the Age of Populism” presented by esteemed scholar, Prof. Mustafa Acar helped us to gain a deeper understanding of how Islamic values align with and support free market principles, the challenges that populist movements pose to free-market principles, examining how populist rhetoric and policies are reshaping economic landscapes globally. Prof. Acar’s insights into the tensions between economic freedom and state intervention, exploring how countries can navigate these pressures while safeguarding market liberties and democratic values.
The 4th episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
We’re thrilled to announce that our latest research brief is now accessible online!
The third Edraak – Recognizing Liberty’s research brief is created to help you understand the discussions of the current political landscape in Bangladesh! Let us discuss Hasina Wajid’s iron grip which raised critical questions about the balance between economic and political freedom. Will the recent street protests and interim government lead to a new era of liberty and rule of law?
Thank you to our esteemed speaker, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Thowhidul Islam and Dr. Moniruzzaman Mohamad for spending time to inform, educate, and answer our questions throughout the webinar.
The 3rd episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
We’re thrilled to announce that our latest research brief is now accessible online!
Tunisia has been considered a beacon of representative democracy in the Arab world.
Since the 2011 Arab Spring, Muslim-majority countries have witnessed rising pressures and expectations from their citizens to ensure the protection of human rights while undergoing democratic transitions.
Discussions on human rights and democracy in the Muslim world inevitably include the formation of pro-democratic coalitions between secularists and Islamists, the impact of secularist fears and constituencies on political dynamics, and the prospects for political moderation.
By examining the failure of Tunisia’s democratic transition, how do we analyze the similarities and differences among democratizing nations with significant Muslim populations?
Thank you to our esteemed speaker, Dr. Radwan A. Masmoudi, President of the Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID) for spending time to inform, educate, and answer our questions throughout the webinar.
The 2nd episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
A heartfelt thank you to all the participants of the 11th International Conference, KASAM, Association for Liberal Thinking and Atlas Network for making this conference a success.
Your contributions have been invaluable in advancing the dialogue on “The Role of Civil Values and Institutions in Muslim Societies.
Together, we’ve explored essential frameworks for freedom, peace, and prosperity in Muslim-majority countries and beyond. Your insights and engagement have enriched our discussions, helping to challenge misconceptions and promote the ideals of liberty.
We are grateful for your commitment to fostering understanding and collaboration across borders. Let’s continue this vital conversation for future International conferences to come!
Be sure to follow our social media platforms to stay connected and for future events and updates.
We would like to thank the fellow speakers, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Thowhidul Islam and Dr. Moniruzzaman Mohamad for spending their time and knowledge in providing us the current political landscape in Bangladesh! 🇧🇩
The 3rd episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
Islam and Liberty Network would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our participants who have made our third ILN Edraak Webinar: ‘Bangladesh: Future of Liberty and Rule of Law’ series a success!
Be sure to follow our social media handles to stay abreast with our upcoming Edraak series webinars;
Islam and Liberty Network is delighted to unveil “Edraak – Recognizing Liberty,” a new monthly webinar series to enhance understanding of liberty in theoretical, legal, and social contexts.
Democracy is conducive for good governance, human rights and accountability, thus empowering citizens to change their governments. However, democracies can also become plutocracies and captured by the deep state. They may also initiate colonial conquests, wars of aggression and crimes against humanity.
Is liberal democracy on the rise or on a path to decline in the world, particularly in the Muslim societies? A big thank you to our esteemed speakers for delivering such valuable insights in this enlightening event and to our fellow participants for making this first webinar a success.
The 2nd episode of ILN’s Edraak – Recognizing Liberty webinar podast is now available here or watch the full webinar recording here.
Islam and Liberty Network would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who have made our second ILN Edraak Webinar: ‘Tunisia’s Failed Democratic Transition: What Went Wrong?‘ series a success!
Thank you to our esteemed speaker, Dr. Radwan A. Masmoudi, President of the Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID) for spending time to inform, educate, and answer our questions throughout the webinar.
Be sure to follow our social media handles to stay abreast with our upcoming Edraak series webinars;
Islam and Liberty Network is delighted to unveil “Edraak – Recognizing Liberty,” a new monthly webinar series to enhance understanding of liberty in theoretical, legal, and social contexts.
For many years the Islam and Liberty Network has been striving to restore the intellectual curiosity and openness to other cultures that was characteristic of Islam at the height of its golden age. The success of this endeavor is vital if we are to witness the emergence of a just, peaceful and truly global civilization, whose constituent elements retain their distinctive characteristics.
Conference Agenda and Speakers Profiles Presentations and Papers International Media Coverage 10th Conference Photos 10th International Islam & Liberty Conference Peace and Prosperity in Muslim
Tunisia Economic Network Tunisia is the only Arab country which successfully graduated from the Arab Spring to a constitutional rule, though it is currently facing
Location Photos 9th Conference Speakers 9th Conference Program 9th International Islam & Liberty Conference Pluralism, Democracy and Economic Development in Muslim Majority Countries Summary International
by Dr. Kazeem, O. Olaniyan* Alhamdulillah, the new Hijrah year, 1446, is here and I join you in thanking Allah for His countless mercies and
In a significant step towards promoting scholarly research on Islamic principles and their application to contemporary socio-economic issues, the Islam & Liberty Network (ILN) has
Adnan Abbasi Adnan Abbasi is currently pursuing Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) degree majoring in Social and Political Science from Ahmedabad University. He is a Writing
Join us in our journey to explore and promote a Muslim case for freedom through various ways including articles, books, conferences, webinars and podcasts!