The Istanbul Network for Liberty held its second annual conference at the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad from February 28th to March 3rd 2013, in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, support from the Burj Bank of Pakistan, and Vision 21. Thank you to Network of Free Society for providing fellowship.
The title of the conference was ‘Islam and the Institutions of a Free Society’ and there were approximately 50 participants from Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey, Bosnia, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, South Africa, the US and the UK.
The conference started by opening remarks by the Chairman Azhar Aslam followed by welcome on behalf of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation by Olaf Kellerhoff Day 1
Three speakers covered rule of law issues. Dr Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad from the Minaret of Freedom in the USA spoke on ‘Sociological, Philosophical and legal Considerations of Shariah.