This year’s conference was hosted by Association for Liberal Thinking based in Turkey in cooperation with Minaret of Freedom Institute. The conference attracted around 100 participants, intellectual entrepreneurs, academics, writers, researchers, think tank activists, businessmen, students from over 17 countries such as Morocco, Pakistan, Malaysia, Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt, Bosnia, and from other European countries. The event took place at the Legacy Ottoman Hotel and started with the keynote speech of InfoL’s Founding Board member MEP Mr. Syed Kamall at the opening dinner on March 16. Mr Kamall expressed his appreciation of INfoL flourishing every other year. Next day, on March 17, the sessions were opened by the remarks of Mrs. Özlem Çağlar Yılmaz, the general coordinator of ALT and Mrs. Linda Whetstone, the Chairman of Network for Free Societies, who are both INfoL Board Members. Mrs. Yilmaz stated that ALT has promoted ideas of free society for 22 years in Turkey without any reservations on religious, ethnic or sociological differences with strong belief on the universality of those ideas; accordingly ALT would be pleased to cooperate with INfoL to share its experiences and work with other intellectual entrepreneurs around the world. Mrs. Whetstone emphasized the exciting mission of INfoL as exploring the ideas of free society in the Muslim world and extended our thanks to the kind and generous donors of this event New Direction Foundation for European Reform, AT & T Foundation and Dutch Network for Muslim Charity Organizations SMHO