Are Poverty and Conflict Muslim Phenomena?

CEO of Islam and Liberty Network (ILN), Dr. Ali Salman (centre) at a discussion session entitled Economic Development and Cooperation in WCIT 2024 which was also attended by Noor Azlan Ghazali (centre) and moderated by Dr Nasreen Nawab Khan in Ipoh. – UTUSAN/MUHAMAD NAZREEN SYAH MUSTHAFA Author: Dr. Ali Salman* In his keynote royal address […]
Researching (for) desirable futures: How can we theorize what does not exist?

Author: Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay is Head of Research Group Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society |Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Researcher|University of Hamburg Like many of our colleagues, we came to academia through a combination of intellectual curiosity to understand the world of organizations and management […]
Religions have a central yet underexplored impact on business & society

Author: Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay is Head of Research Group Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society |Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Researcher|University of Hamburg Faith is a social fact that is underexplored in studies at the intersection of business and society. As it is oftentimes quite contentious, it […]
Understanding Islam as an Entrepreneurial Religion

Understanding Islam as an Entrepreneurial Religion * This interview is originally published in My Salaam website. Postdoctoral scholar Ali Aslan Gumusay’s work involves organization theory, entrepreneurship, business ethics and leadership. Here, he explains entrepreneurship from an Islamic perspective. 1. What are you currently working on? At the heart of my research are issues around people, […]
The Libertarian Character of the Islamic Economy

This article was motivated by a proposal made by Nigel Ashford of The Institute of Humane Studies during a meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society in Istanbul in October 2011, that evidence of a libertarian tradition be sought within the history of Islamic thought. It was originally published in Economic Affairs. (*) Visiting Fellow at the […]
Why Muslims Should Support Capitalism ?

Why Muslims Should Support Capitalism? Author: Mohammad Malayeri* This article was first published in the website of ESFL. It is very interesting that the many critics of capitalism come in different groups, ideas, and belief systems. Some muslim intellectual thinkers argue that the religion of Islam is pro-socialist and very anti-capitalist. This is actually not […]
The Supply Side Effects of Religious Regulations

The Supply Side Effects of Religious Regulations Author Buğra Kalkan* Last week, I made an introduction to the religious markets theory. In brief, religious markets theory focuses on the supply side of the religious affairs instead of questioning the source of the religious beliefs. Why focusing on the supply side of the religious affairs matters? […]
The Poor Dont Need Handouts They Need Microcredit

The Poor Dont Need Handouts They Need Microcredit Author: Syed Kamall* If you are poor in Britain today, you will find it hard to borrow money for a new venture. Not surprisingly, you also have a lower chance of becoming an entrepreneur. In every country of the UK, the most deprived 2030 per cent are […]
Toward Applying the Islamic Human Development Index for the Betterment of Muslim Society

Toward Applying the Islamic Human Development Index for the Betterment of Muslim Society Author : Muhammad Ikhsan, ILN Indonesia Fellow, faculty member of Paramadina University and senior researcher at the Paramadina Public Policy Institute, Jakarta. Human civilization has entered the twenty first century with progress and set-back. Economic growth sluggish last year and projected still in […]
Offsetting the Scarcity Mindset 2

Offsetting the Scarcity Mindset 2 Author: Elma Berisha, Independent social and industry researcher based in Kuala Lumpur It would not be far-fetched to propound that much of the proven wisdom circulating in realm of motivational psychology and self-help craftsmanship at individual or business level, may potentially extend to and find fruition on a social […]