Rewrite Your Story: Lessons from the Hijrah

by Dr. Kazeem, O. Olaniyan* Alhamdulillah, the new Hijrah year, 1446, is here and I join you in thanking Allah for His countless mercies and favours. I most humbly ask Him to spare your life to witness many more years. As we embark upon another journey of twelve lunar months, I implore you to reflect […]

ILN and IAIS Malaysia: A Strategic Partnership for Advancing Islamic Thought and Economic Freedom

In a significant step towards promoting scholarly research on Islamic principles and their application to contemporary socio-economic issues, the Islam & Liberty Network (ILN) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia. This partnership, marked by the signing event attended by prominent figures such as Dr. […]

Odyssey to The City of Light: A Tale of Struggle & Conviction

Adnan Abbasi Adnan Abbasi is currently pursuing Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) degree majoring in Social and Political Science from Ahmedabad University. He is a Writing Fellow at Students for Liberty’s Fellowship for Freedom in India. The poem delves into deep discourse around political philosophy, justice, and Islamic principles. Primarily, it portrays a metaphorical clash of […]


Kazeem, O. OLANIYAN, Ph.D, Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Visiting Professor, College of Law, Fountain University, Osogbo, Nigeria. Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. ILN Nigeria Fellow Visit ILN Fellows INTRODUCTION. It is believed that freedom of religion should be one of the basic rights and […]

Malaysia Roots of a Democratic Society

Malaysia Roots of a Democratic Society Malaysia: Roots of a Democratic Society Opening Address by Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin ibni Tuanku Muhriz, Founding President of Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), at the Istanbul Network 5th International Conference: Democratic Transitions in the Muslim World   Introduction Assalamu’alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh, good morning and welcome, particularly to […]

How to talk about terrorism committed by Muslims

Mohammed Amin is Chairman of the Islam & Liberty Network Council. He is writing in a personal capacity. At the end of my article “Why does Islam have such a terrible reputation?” I promised that my next ILN post would answer the question “What can we, as individual Muslims who care about the reputation of […]

Tunisia democratic backslide

Author is CEO of Islam & Liberty Network. These views are written in his personal capacity. Tunisia has been considered a beacon of representative democracy in the Arab world. It is now experiencing a democratic backslide. Tunisia conducted a referendum on 25th July 2022. At least one quarter of Tunisians have voted in a controversial […]


ISLAM AND STATE‐​SKEPTICISM                                                  Author: Yahya Alshamy Yahya Alshamy is a first year PhD student in the Department of Economics, Graduate Fellow in the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, […]

Researching (for) desirable futures: How can we theorize what does not exist?

Author: Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay   Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay is Head of Research Group Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society |Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Researcher|University of Hamburg         Like many of our colleagues, we came to academia through a combination of intellectual curiosity to understand the world of organizations and management […]

Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Refugee Crisis and Human Rights

Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Refugee Crisis and Human Rights                                                  Author: Azeemah Saleem Assistant Professor at the Center for Communication and Critical Thinking, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, India   The Organization of […]