Islam and Liberty Network encourages debate and discussion and welcomes original contributions that haven’t been published in other media. We cover issues about Islam and the values of a free society and everything in between across a wide-range of formats.
Articles should be 500 to 800 words and written in an accessible and engaging manner. They should also be based on your expertise and experience, but also convey your personality and opinion. Our editorial team is also happy to work with contributors to get articles into the best shape possible.
To give your contribution the best chance of being published, follow these guidelines.
Length and format
Islam and Liberty Networkk mainly publishes commentary and analysis pieces. These should be written in the style of a conventional opinion piece. To ensure readability and accessibility, the articles should be 500 to 800 words at a maximum.
Our main themes are:
All articles should be sent to as a Word document including a short bio-note at the end. Please also send us your profile picture and any social media or other website details. You may also send suggested images or photos as separate attachment. A picture speaks a thousand words, so our preference is for visually engaging and strong imagery.
An engaging commentary piece needs an opinion. But it’s also backed up by expertise. For us, expertise means that you have knowledge and experience about what you are writing about. Opinion means the ideas and commentaries a professional. Your article also needs to demonstrate personality and inspire discussion and debate. Ask yourself, why do I care about this, and why should anyone else? This means your article must have a point that you make clearly and from the outset.
All articles should be written with a non-specialist, public audience in mind, including policy-makers, media, students and the general public. Write in a natural style that avoids acronyms and academic terms not widely used outside of specific disciplines. Avoid phrases like “In this article I argue…” We can read between the lines; we know what you’re doing.
Islam and Liberty Network uses British English and the Collins Dictionary for spelling and punctuation (available free online). For example misbehaviour not misbehavior, specialise not specialize.
All referencing should be in the form of links rather than citations. Links should point to more detailed information and if possible, be open access. Avoid using footnotes or endnotes. Please integrate all content into the main body of your article. If it’s in a footnote, ask yourself, how important is this point?
By publishing with Islam and Liberty Network you agree to our key terms and conditions – that means we may share your article with our regional media partners, and you agree to work with our editorial team to shape your piece for publication. Your article won’t just be proofread, but edited for style and readability.
Islam and Liberty Network is run by a small team (who do lots of other things). We will endeavour to get back to you regarding your submission within two working days (unless otherwise stated).
Any questions? Email:
* Islam and Liberty Network has benefitted from New Mandala in preparing this guideline.